THE NEW IMAGE PAINTING IN THE 1980sTONY GODFREY新しいイメージ 1980年代の絵画トニー・ゴドフリーsize:29×25×2.4cmhardcover159page132 lustrations. 52 in colourAs the 1970s faded into the 1980s. a phenomenonknown as the New Painting or Neo-Expressionismemerged with amazing speed, first in Germany and Italy.then in the United States, Great Britain and France.Hyperbole flourished alongside this new szyle, with onecritic going so far as to claim that an artist he favoredhad actually"reinvented" painting. Tony Godirey brisklydismisses the idea that any one individual wassinglehandedly responsible for this return to figuration.but he does conclude…- CONTENTSIntroductionThe Visigoths enter RomeSpeaking in German againItalian Colour, Poetry and SkullsBritish Painting at the CrossroadsThe Death of the School of ParisNew York – when the Worlds collideAn Icon of the Twenty-…※長期自宅物置保管の為、日焼け、湿気の影響、シワ、傷、汚れなどがあります。カテゴリー:本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書